Benjamin Chodoroff's blog

I’m building a new content-managed website for <a href=””>Congregation Beth Shalom</a>, a local synagogue, using Wordpress and the Thematic Framework.

While researching slick, thematic ways to only do a filter on non-home pages, I came across <a href=””>this suggestion</a> to add actions to the init action tag.  It makes a lot more sense to use the wp action tag, though, so various wordpress template variables are made available, e.g.

function remove_ulcl() {

function add_ulcl() {
 if(!is_home()||!is_front_page()) {

add_action('wp', 'remove_ulcl');
add_action('wp', 'add_ulcl');

Isn’t that nice? I’m digging Thematic. It’s so wordpress-y.

Thanks for reading. Email me at ben at falafelcopter dot com. Read my posts here.