So I’m Hubbin it up right now.. setting up an office server that will do filesharing at first, and then be an <a href=””>OpenBravo</a> ERP/POS system server down the road. For those not in the know, OpenBravo is an awesome product for small businesses that need solid point-of-sale software. It’s done very well with The Hub, and we’ll eventually have two POSes networked via this new server - one for the retail counter and another for doing inventory and possibly to handle sales as well. I also set up a new wireless router running DD-WRT which will improve network reliability.
Just heard that <a href=””>510pen</a> will be attending to the <a href=””>Allied Media Conference</a> this year, and they want to help set up a mesh network in Detroit! They seem to have a nice system figured out. It’s based on the <a href=”“>ROBIN router firmware</a> and <a href=””>this nifty little router</a> that can even run with power-over-ethernet… so much fun!